Weymouth Public Schools
Weymouth offers early Childhood Education, 8 Elementary Schools, 1 Middle School and 1 High School. Below you will find a list of schools, mission and vision of the district, as well as the Weymouth School System website link.
Elementary Schools
The Weymouth Public Schools create a supportive learning community that results in high achieving lifelong learners who actively contribute to society.
Educational excellence for every Weymouth student: Students graduate from Weymouth Public Schools with the academic knowledge, social and emotional skills, and growth mindsets necessary to succeed in college and career and are prepared to tackle and solve the most important problems in our local and global community.
IF we increase collaborative problem solving among all educators; use data as part of an aligned system of curriculum, accountability and inquiry; and engage parents and community members as partners, THEN we will elevate instructional practice across all schools, better personalize instruction and supports for students; and produce students that meet high standards and are prepared to succeed in college and career.
Professional Learning Focused On the Instructional Core: Provide professional learning and opportunities for collaboration that improve educator practice by focusing on the instructional core.
Effective Use of Data: Implement aligned system of curriculum, accountability and inquiry that uses multiple sources of data.
Parent and Community Engagement: Engage and partner with parents and community members in supporting excellence in academic skills, knowledge and mindsets.