Rockland Public Schools

Rockland has 4 Elementary Schools, Jefferson, R. Stewart Esten, Memorial Park,  and Phelps.  Rockland has 1 Middle School, Rogers Middle School, and of course Rockland High School.  Please check out their vision statement below.  You will also find a link for the Rockland School Systems website with lots of additional information.

The Rockland Public Schools empowers students to excel, to lead and to become
dynamic, responsible and successful members of our global society.
Achievement: We believe all students can learn, grow and succeed.
Character: We believe in accountability, integrity, respect and responsibility to
ourselves and our community.
Collaboration: We believe in a safe, inclusive and unified learning environment.
Perseverance: We believe in working hard to accomplish our goals especially when
faced with challenges.


Rockland Schools Website

School Rating