Plymouth Public Schools
Plymouth has a large amount of schools to accommate the size and population of the are. Plymouth has Plymouth Early Childhood Center, and 8 Elementary Schools, Cold Spring, Federal Furnace, Hedge, Indian Brook, Manomet, Nathaniel Morton, South, and West Elementary. Plymouth also has 2 middle schools, Plymouth Community Intermediate and Plymouth South Middle School. They also have 2 high school, Plymouth North High and Plymouth South High. Below you will find an introduction to each Plymouth Public School and a link at the bottom to gather more school information.
The Plymouth Early Childhood Center, located at 117 Long Pond Road, Plymouth services 200 students between the ages of three to five years. The Plymouth Preschool supports the philosophy of inclusive education to which the Plymouth Public Schools is committed. “Inclusive education seeks to provide meaningful education to the range of students in our communities by drawing strength from their diversity.”
Following are some shared common beliefs:
The Plymouth Preschool consists of five classrooms which offer two sessions each day. The morning session from 9:15–11:45 a.m. and the afternoon session from 12:45–3:15 p.m. are inclusive classrooms, serving children with individual educational plans and children from the community. The school also has two full-day preschool programs designed to meet the needs of students with a diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Delay and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Students are provided with a full-day program from 9:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., four days per week with parent trainings offered on the fifth day. The morning and afternoon sessions include peer models to provide opportunities for socialization. Special needs students receive speech, physical and occupational therapies according to their individualized education plans. Consultation is provided to teachers and families by a board-certified behavior analyst.
The inherent rights of all children as unique individuals are respected at the Plymouth Early Childhood Center. It is a school that believes that children should be in their neighborhood communities with their peers who will be with them throughout their educational years. Most importantly, it is a school community that is not an isolated experience but an environment of opportunities for real life. This school will educate all children to accept and understand diversity. This school will support and nurture opportunities for children with or without challenges in developing lasting friendships.
In this school community, all children learn together in the same classroom with the necessary provisions for success. The delivery of services will be woven into the intrinsic routine of the day. The importance of parents as valuable and equal members of the educational team will be realized. This school community brings a shared sense of responsibility and collaboration with professionals and paraprofessionals.
Welcome to West Elementary School! We opened in January 1975 and our current enrollment is approximately 320 students. There are 2-3 classrooms at each grade level from kindergarten to Grade 5.
West School is also the home to one of our district-wide Special Education programs, the CARE program. West School prides itself on providing students with engaging, inclusive educational experiences.
Some of the annual events at West include: Back to School Ice Cream Social, The Great Bedtime Story Pajama Drive & Pajama Night, One School One Book, the Boosterthon Fun Run and Field Day! At West, we are always on the lookout for "Wondering, Exploring, Searching, Thinking" students.
South Elementary School is located on Bourne Road. Our school serves approximately 670 students, Kindergarten through Grade 5. Students are drawn from a large geographical area that extends from the Buttermilk Bay neighborhoods in South Plymouth to the Long Pond Road neighborhoods that are opposite South High and South Middle Schools. Students hail from families that have lived in Plymouth for several generations, from families that have moved to Plymouth from the Boston area, and from families that have recently moved to Massachusetts. Although South is a large elementary school, teachers, staff and parents work to make our school friendly and warm. Class sections are arranged in pods according to grade level. Kindergarten classes are clustered in the center of the school. Active members of our Parent and Teacher Association (PTA) plan and offer family events that draw students and parents to school on a regular basis.
There are 31 class sections, grades K - 5, with an average of 22 students in each class. Reading specialists, speech/language pathologists, moderate special needs teachers, and paraprofessionals all support our classroom teachers in meeting our students' academic needs. Students, grades K - 5, take part in art, music and physical education classes each week. Our technology specialist supports students and teachers as they integrate the use of technology with the academic curriculum. Our school librarian helps students access books, print and digital materials that are located in our Instructional Media Center. There is one computer lab as well as five student computers in each classroom, five Chromebook carts of approximately 32 Chromebooks each and an IPAD cart of approximately 30 IPADS.
Located within walking distance to historical Plymouth Rock, Nathaniel Morton School has served the population of this coastal town since 1913. It is no wonder that our school motto is “Where Generations Have Learned.”
Our 600 students from kindergarten to grade five receive instruction in all the major academic areas. Students in grades 1-5 also take part in art, music, physical education, and technology instruction. Grades four and five also have the option to participate in band or orchestra. Class sizes average in the low to mid-twenties for grades K through five. We have an active PTA and School Council.
We have an up-to-date school library with twenty-plus computer stations. In addition, there is a separate computer lab with state-of-the-art PC hardware. All classrooms are also wired for the Internet and equipped with computer stations.
Our educational program is well correlated to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and features a workshop approach to balanced literacy and the Everyday Math Series. All of our instruction centers on a goal for differentiated learning to meet the diverse needs of our students.
Welcome to Manomet Elementary School (MES)! Affectionately known within the neighborhood as "Our Little School on the Hill," MES was originally built in 1952. Since then, Manomet Elementary School has undergone major renovations/expansions in both the 1960s and 1990s. We presently have a student population of approximately 254, as well as a staff of 45.
We are very proud of so many things about our school community, and here are just a few that make MES a special place for children to learn and grow.
As a staff, we continue to work toward the refinement of our approach to meeting learners where they are as individuals. A major thrust of these efforts is through our professional development and practice of implementing a workshop model in reading, writing, and math workshop within all of our classrooms. These efforts allow teachers to look at their students on a far more personal level and provide them guidance in either a small group or on an individual basis, helping each of them to achieve their “personal best” each day.
One extremely important goal for us at Manomet School is to foster a love and appreciation for The Visual and Performing Arts in our students by providing them with lots of experience in doing them and celebrating them. Visual Arts consistently adorn the hallways. In addition to the Visual Arts Fair that takes place each spring here at the school, student work is on display during the Town-wide Arts Festival. Each fall, students in grades four and five have the opportunity to enroll in an after-school theater workshop experience that culminates with live performances in front of packed audiences. A similar theater workshop has also been instituted in the spring for students in grade three. Our instrumental and choral programs continue to be a great source of pride for us, as students practice throughout the year, and then perform for live audiences several times each year. Cultural Arts assemblies expose students in all grade levels to areas of The Arts that might otherwise go unnoticed, such as the craft of making and performing with marionettes, or performing traditional storytelling.
The partnership we have between staff and home is such a critical component of all that we do. In difficult budgetary times, the Manomet Home and School Association (MHSA) has made it possible for us to enrich programming for students in ways that would have otherwise been unrealistic. High participation rates for parent-teacher conferences and Open-Houses send a clear signal of how parents/guardians throughout our school community value our partnership.
But most importantly, our students make it all happen at Manomet School. It is their gifts, talents, and energy that make all of our hard work seem worthwhile. What they are capable of doing never ceases to amaze and impress us on a daily basis!
Hedge School Elementary is the oldest functioning school in Plymouth. Built in 1910, Hedge School has seen many changes in Plymouth and in the world. Many of its students have been through four different wars and they have seen the small town of Plymouth grow from a modest population of under 10,000 people to a burgeoning population of 50,000 people. Yet the small community of North Plymouth still remains in many ways the same, close knit and family oriented.
Families, many of whom can trace their roots back to the Pilgrims continue to live here. This proud collection of people come from all walks of life and offer a unique cultural diversity not found in many towns. Hedge School is also unique in that it is truly a neighborhood school. We are one of the few elementary schools in the country that has all of its children walk to school. Hedge continues to serve as a community center as well as an elementary school. On any given night you will see activities such as day care, Brownies, Cub Scouts and P.T.O. meetings.
Hedge School may be the oldest school in the community but it is completely wired with the latest of technology and a state of the art weather station. We feel that this latest technology together with a strong work ethic and an inbred sense of home and community prepares our students for the 21st century.
Welcome to Federal Furnace School where we fuel the fire of all great learners! Click on the 'Principal's Corner' for more information about our vision for student learning and development.
Federal Furnace School is a kindergarten through grade 5 elementary school. Our enrollment fluctuates but is usually around 400 students. Class size for grades K-5 for the 2017-2018 School Year range from 18-23 students.
We have 4 classrooms at grades one and three. We have 3 classrooms at kindergarten, grades two, four and five. In addition, we house a few classrooms for the district-wide program for children on the Autism Spectrum. This is a special program for students whose educational teams have determined this is the least restrictive environment for them. We have a number of specialist teachers and therapists who work with our students.
Our school is a one-floor facility that is fully accessible. We proudly maintain a number of specialty rooms including an Art Room, Music Room, Gymnasium, Cafeteria, and Library/Literacy Center.
Before and after-school care is available onsite through the Old Colony YMCA. Call our main office for more information.
Welcome to Cold Spring Elementary, "A Leader in Me" School. Built in 1951, our school is located in North Plymouth, within walking distance of downtown Plymouth. Our student enrollment consists of 248 pupils in grades kindergarten through grade 5. We have two classes in grades K-5 with the exception of grade 4, which has three classrooms. We are truly a neighborhood school, one in which approximately half of our students are walkers. We have a very dedicated staff, who strives to create a positive learning environment each and every day. All of our academic programs are based on the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks, and our lessons reflect current best practices and methodologies.
We provide academic support services with ESL support, Special Education staff, Title One teachers, a Consulting Teacher of Reading, School Psychologist, Guidance Counselor, Speech and Language Pathologist, Library Media Specialist, Technology Integration Specialist and a Nurse Educator. Our health education teacher provides support on an itinerant basis. We also we have the services of an Occupational Therapist and a Physical Therapist on an as-needed basis.
We have an active Parent Teacher Association and a dedicated School Council.
Plymouth South Middle School is located just minutes off Route 3 in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Opened in September 1999, there are approximately 740 students enrolled in grades 6-8 supported by 124 staff members.
The building is comprised of three floors or houses which are stacked vertically. Each house contains its own guidance counselor, nineteen classrooms, and a computer lab.
Our slogan is “Building A Better World, One Student at A Time” and we are committed to providing high-quality educational experiences and preparing our students for high school and beyond. Students engage actively in community service, charitable endeavors, and recycling efforts.
Our entire curriculum is aligned to the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the new Common Core Standards and there is a high priority on academic performance. In addition, there is a thriving after-school program at Plymouth South Middle School where students participate in activities ranging from art, music, and drama to homework and tutoring clubs to technology and robotics to athletics to knitting, walking, and organic gardening. Through these experiences, our students acquire the skills and self-confidence that promote appropriate social behavior and build positive self-esteem.
Plymouth Community Intermediate School is located in Plymouth, Massachusetts. We opened in 1973 as the Plymouth-Carver Intermediate School serving students from Plymouth and Carver. In 1987, we became known as Plymouth Community Intermediate School. We are a middle school with over 1200 students in grades 6 - 8. We have over 150 staff and support personnel. Our school mascot is the "Falcon" and our school motto is "PCIS…soaring strongly and proudly into the future." The school is divided into four houses: Apollo, Gemini, Mercury and Ranger House named after the 1970's space programs.
We are very proud of our enrichment programs at PCIS. We have full-time Instrumental Directors with a grade 6 band and grades 7 & 8 bands. Our Theatre Arts Program offers chorus for grades 6, 7 & 8. There are many theatre productions during the year culminating with a full-scale musical. There is also a planetarium with a part-time director.
There are over 30 student extra-curricular activities such as clubs, intramurals, and interscholastic sports. We have a nationally-recognized weather station that is part of the WBZ School Weathernet, a local Boston TV Station. Our school has a friendly 120-seat auditorium we call The Little Theater. This accommodates school plays, team activities, and a fully-equipped cable TV studio.The school year is capped off with the PCIS Olympics, an athletic and academic competition and with other exciting end-of-the-year activities.
Our students have selected four words to describe us:
Plymouth South High School, established in 1989, is a comprehensive educational facility offering academic and technical studies programs currently serving 1,083 students. There are 11 Chapter 74 programs and 3 Non Chapter 74 programs at Plymouth South High School. All students, including vocational students, participate in an identical course of study, and academic students have opportunities to enroll in some vocational courses during the day. We are proud of our varied academic offerings, an extensive Advanced Placement program, a New England award winning Panther TV program, and the many vocational shops that provide valuable resources to our community including but not limited to CAD, Graphic Design and Visual Communication, and Cosmetology. Plymouth South High School has a great deal of extracurricular offerings as well that complete the educational experience for all students. We work hard to ensure that all students experience a personalized approach to learning through our Freshman Academy, Advisory Program, and Cooperative Education placement. Plymouth South has increased rigor in the expectations for all students as evidenced by stronger test scores, award-winning programs and teachers, and continually meeting or surpassing state standards. Plymouth South High School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.
Plymouth North High School first opened its doors in 1963 under the name of Plymouth-Carver Regional High School. With the opening of Carver High School in 1987, it was named Plymouth North High. It serves over 1300 students in grades 9-12 from the North, West, and Central neighborhoods of Plymouth. Plymouth North features a full range of academic courses as well as state-of-the-art vocational technical programs in Marketing, Allied Health, Engineering, and Facilities Management. Plymouth North High School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges.