Cohasset Public Schools
The Cohasset Public School System has 4 schools: Joseph Osgood (PreK-2); Deer Hill (3-5); Cohasset Middle (6-8); Cohasset High (9-12). Cohasset is a highly academic community with 96% of the graduates continuing on to post-secondary education. Standardized measurements such as the Massachusetts Comprehensive assessment Exam (MCAS), SAT, ACT and AP exams show students to test in the above average range. The average class size is 20 with a student:teacher ratio of 13.9 to 1. The school population is around 1420 students. The school boasts strong activities that center of athletics, music, and the sciences. The school colors are blue and white and the school's mascot is the Skippers. As a coastal community they are able to use the geographic location as part of an outdoor classroom.